Wednesday 25 September 2013

Miss Bamboo's Tiki Bar

Here at BS-Bamboo we're always keen to know what you've been up to and what you've been doing with your bamboo, especially when it's something a little bit out of the ordinary - we've had some weird and wonderful enquiries over the years and the start of this blog felt like the perfect opportunity to share some of the more exciting projects with you.

Kicking us off in style is the fabulous Miss Bamboo - her website is well worth a look if you're in the market for a new dress or pair of shoes [or even a shirt, for you guys.] Miss Bamboo specialises in 1940's/50's style designs and her stuff has the girls in the BS Bamboo offices drooling. She even stocks handbags made out of bamboo!

Miss Bamboo bought a selection of our wider canes to build a bamboo themed Tiki Bar, in keeping with her 50's style house and garden.  After several conversations with BS Bamboo's in-house designer, who when he's not coming up with his own bamboo inspired designs [watch this space for more info on those] is always on hand to offer friendly advice, Miss Bamboo placed her order and got to work.

We think it looks great!

If you'd like to see your project on our blog, why not drop us an email: with some information and photographs and we'll see what we can do!

Monday 2 September 2013

Coming soon...

It's all very exciting here at Bs-Bamboo this week!

After plenty of discussions with our friends over in China, we're pleased to announce that we'll be adding bamboo planters and birdhouses to our stock range towards the end of this year.

The planters, made from our popular bamboo slats, look like being simply stunning - we've had to order extra just to cover orders already placed by our staff!

The birdhouses are something we've been talking about for a while; I have several prototypes on my windowsill so it's it's very exciting to think that they'll be available for sale relatively soon.

I don't have any photographs or prices yet, but I think I can say with confidence that they'll be a welcome addition to any garden.

Watch this space - I'll be back with more info as soon as I have it!